Aeroji Blog

Aeroji – The new way in the aero engine aftermarket

2020-05-22 21:44 Company Milestones
Aeroji connects all aero engine aftermarket stakeholders on a single platform. Aero-engine lease and sale processes are simplified with available tools like a marketplace, a social network-based communication system and documentation management. The platform Aeroji helps you to get connected more easily with business partners whether for leasing engines or engine sales.

The Problem

The aviation industry is a big economical market with a steady yearly growth. However, in comparison to the technological development of aviation products the aftermarket domain is in a pre-developed phase of digitization.

There are various ways participants are contacting each other during their search for available spare engines and business growth opportunities – mainly during conferences, via phone calls, emails or messages. And although the number of participants is relatively small compared to the industry size, new stakeholders are continuously entering the arena. The success commonly relies on the participants, partners or contacts, namely their professional network.

On the one hand, getting new contacts/information is a favourable outcome – on the other hand sharing contacts/information is uncommon, because an information advantage is seen as a competitive advantage. This circumstance is one of the reasons for the missing transparency of the availability of spare engines.

This results in a number of problems for all stakeholders of the domain:

  • High management efforts and related costs for airlines as well as for lessors
  • The need to invest in multiple procurement models and programs
  • Strategic growth problems due to tied-up capital in fixed assets

The goal should be to create as much transparency as possible to allow the stakeholders to base their decisions on the same level of information. The processes and communication channels can be integrated in one system and streamlined to increase the professional work experience of asset managers.

The Solution

Platforming is one of the most powerful ways to integrate different tools in one system. Combined with excellent UI/UX design a tailormade product related work experience can be created. A marketplace provides transparency and recency as known from stock exchanges and fairs. An integrated social network puts the user in the focus and creates motivation and allows networking for business growth. A lot of processes can be standardized and streamlined and still leave room for individual approaches, if required or desired.

A lot of repeatable and iterative processes, like searches, can be automated and saved for future requests to avoid wasting time and energy. Social Network tools like notifications and status updates keep you up to date with your desired content. An integrated light CRM and communication tools ensure that all tasks can be completed on the same system and you get an excellent overview of your portfolio performance. A document management system encourages you to store all the import documentation in one place and provides you with the option to share the documents with the partners of your choice. Furthermore, there is no need to switch between the different information sources like email client, in-house spreadsheets or websites of your business partners.

Aeroji Team

Aeroji is based in Berlin, the center of Germany's innovation and startup ecosystem. Our team consists of young experts with a strong professional track record in the aviation industry. From aero-engine design & maintenance to engine lease & sale business up to a digital product design & development.

Our Motivation

In the course of our professional experience we came across a lot of inefficient and ineffective processes. We experience joy by streamlining them and moreover by finding solutions for present problems. We believe that tailormade digitized projects support the professional work experience and make it more convenient and fulfilling. That is the reason we have created Aeroji. We would like to support the aviation industry with our idea of an effective way to combine digitalization with aviation. We would like to support you with our project Aeroji.

Target Audience

The posts are directed towards all aero engine aftermarket stakeholders. For professionals involved in organizing, managing and procurement of any spare engine transactions, sale activities or within the lease business of engines.

What to expect

We will mix the content of future blog posts to provide you with more details and insights about our motivation, the problems in the market and the steps to our solution. Furthermore, we will present the team members more closely to develop a strong connection to you. The posts will be issued on a regularly basis.

By following our posts, you will get to know the product, follow the development process and be the first to know about newly incorporated features. You can provide your comments and proposals and thereby participate on the continuous improvement of the platform for the benefit of all existing and future users. We would like to establish an interactive relationship with our readers – independent of whether you use the platform or not.

We are there for you anytime to answer all your questions and to listen to all your proposals as well as criticisms. All your feedback is very much appreciated. Just let us know at or on any social network.

We wish you a relaxing and safe weekend.

Your Aeroji Team