Aeroji Blog

Happy New Year

2020-12-31 17:24 Company Milestones
Dear aviation community,

what a year it has been. Once a very promising start but suddenly a never before seen shut down of worldwide transportation due to the still ongoing pandemic. The year 2020 will be known as one of the most troublesome and challenging year in aviation history, especially when we think about the record braking sales and transportation numbers forecasted in beginning of the year. Literally nobody was prepared for what was yet to come. We witnessed several bankruptcies and also huge amount of revenue loss within the industry.

After the 1st peak of the Corona lockdown and its impact on the aviation in Q2 of 2020 everybody was hoping for a quick industry recovery through the complete business. But recovery is still ongoing and the goal of full recovery is yet to be achieved.

Despite the negative effects on aviation the challenging times are also a chance for everybody to recalibrate and reassess their own business strategies and models. It might be by launching a start-up airline or even creating a new way of trading.

Aeroji and its services see itself as a major contributor for the trading segment.

Q4 2020 - Beginning of a New Way

We spoke a lot about the history, the launch and the services of Aeroj in our previous blog posts. Therefore we hope that you are already informed about Aeroji from the previous ones. Today we would like to give you a brief summary about the intermediate results of the beta phase.

As of today we host more than 25 engine leasing and trading professionals from over 20 companies and 11 countries worldwide as Beta users. The first month of beta testing already showed us where we need to optimize our platform and tailor the business regarding the business requirements. Thus all led to a more stable performance of the platform itself and with the integration of new functionalities we are able to elevate the user experience even more. Additionally, we recognized "turbulences" reaching the service, therefore we reconfigured some protocols. Thus will guarantee to have Aeroji available at any time.

2021 – Going forward

For the year 2021 we will introduce several new features and functionalities in order to optimize the existing usability, but also to continuously upgrade Aeroji. The main goal will be always to meet our (Aviation including Aeroji) high expectations regarding an easier trading process with integrated network and effective data management. And of course to create an environment of transparency for every aviation market participant.

If you want to be a part of Aeroji, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We would be more than happy to give you more insights about our doings and ideas and are open for every feedback you might have.

Happy New Year

That all being said we wish everybody a splendid New Years party within the common pandemic rules and regulations. We are looking forward for the next steps of aviation recovery and will gladly be a contributor for a new era of business in 2021. Hope to see you on our platform.

Follow us!

By following our posts, you will get to know the product, follow the development process and be the first to know about newly incorporated features. You can provide your comments and proposals and thereby participate on the continuous improvement of the platform for the benefit of all existing and future users. We would like to establish an interactive relationship with our readers – independent of whether you use the platform or not.

We are there for you anytime to answer all your questions and to listen to all your proposals as well as criticisms. All your feedback is very much appreciated. Just let us know at or on any social network.

Your Aeroji Team